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We help you realize your entrepreneurial dream.

By its nature, a start-up in the startup phase is a company exposed to many risks that can be transformed into opportunities for development and growth; the initial evaluation phase of the project is therefore fundamental to understand the validity of the idea.

However, carrying out an analysis process in order to design and plan a new activity is a complex and delicate operation, method and experience take on crucial importance, as they allow you to collect the information necessary to support the development of your idea.

At Brainscapital we offer a consultancy and support service aimed precisely at supporting entrepreneurs in this crucial phase.


Strategic business consultancy

One of our strengths is the fact that the partners themselves are entrepreneurs and startuppers themselves, having launched numerous projects over the years which then became real companies.

Therefore, we are firsthand aware of the needs, difficulties and needs that entrepreneurs have in starting their own initiative. We therefore provide a team of professionals capable of concretely helping to evaluate the business idea, setting up correct strategic and economic-financial planning without neglecting the tax aspects, also monitoring benefits and opportunities aimed at start-ups.

​In particular, our consultancy for start-ups develops starting from the knowledge of the team and continues in a series of meetings in which:

1. Initial assessment

We analyze basic data relating to the market, products, main competitors, opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses of the project;

2. Implementation of the Strategy

We accompany entrepreneurs in the construction and definition of an effective business plan which can be used both for business planning and management and for external communication towards potential investors or financiers, and subsequently we support them in the creation of a forecast economic-financial plan;

3. Procurement of Resources

We evaluate the necessary resources and help in finding sources of financing thanks to a consolidated network of contacts with banks, investment funds, private investors, access to public tenders and incentives or crowdfunding systems.

Facilitated Finance

We accompany entrepreneurs and managers in obtaining and raising capital and in particular:


 - we monitor the benefits and opportunities available;

 - where requested, we take care of writing the project, preparing the required forms and assisting entrepreneurs in all the necessary formal steps, including:

> collection of data relating to the planned investments and ancillary costs covered by the requests for    contribution and/or financing;

> preparation of reports and attachments accompanying the requests;

> preparation of economic and financial plans;

> initial support during the project presentation phase.

 - we assist entrepreneurs, once financing has been obtained, in the implementation and reporting phases, and specifically:

> assistance with internal monitoring to verify milestones and intermediate targets to be achieved;

> support for the intermediate and final reporting phases for the purposes of disbursement of the contributions/financing

> intermediate support during the project development phase;

> timely monitoring and reporting on the disbursement of the funds provided for in the tender.​


The consultancy activity for subsidized finance is carried out by Brainscapital together with partners Pragmos, an organizational consultancy company and the Liberitutti social cooperative, operating in the social promotion sector.

Equity Crowdfunding

Supportiamo e accompagniamo gli imprenditori che decidono di lanciare una campagna di equity crowdfunding, fornendo assistenza in tutte le fasi di progettazione, avvio e gestione della campagna.

Grazie all'esperienza diretta maturata da Brainscapital, ci proponiamo di assistere gli imprenditori durante le diverse fasi operative della campagna di equity crowdfunding, supportandoli durante la progettazione, l'avvio e la successiva gestione della stessa. In particolare offriamo, tra gli altri, i seguenti servizi:

  • supporto nell'impostazione preliminare e di progettazione della campagna di equity crowdfunding, occupandosi di eventuali modifiche statutarie necessarie per la legittimazione del crowdfunding e della formalizzazione della documentazione necessaria, fornendo assistenza strategica nella definizione dell'obiettivo di raccolta, contribuendo all'identificazione e alla definizione delle future categorie di soci e dei loro vantaggi e diritti;

  • accompagnamento durante le diverse fasi operative della campagna e supporto nel potenziamento della raccolta stessa, al fine di renderla più efficiente ed efficace;

  • ricerca attiva di potenziali partner interessati ad investire nella società, nonché partecipazione a riunioni ed incontri con potenziali investitori, sia nel caso di incontri one-to-one che di eventuali webinar o eventi organizzati con l'obiettivo di far conoscere la società e promuovere la campagna. ​


Investi sul futuro della tua azienda

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